Reception: 0131 662 4747

Property: 0131 667 0232


For many people making a Will is something that they put off. After all, not many people want to think about death.

Yet leaving no Will can create a great deal of additional work and expense for grieving families. It is also important to consider Inheritance Tax and planning for Care Home Fees.

At Warners we understand exactly the kind of problems the lack of a Will can create. That is why we spend as much time as required to get a detailed understanding of each client’s personal circumstances and wishes to create exactly the right Will for them.

Often clients also wish to draw up a Power of Attorney at the same time as making a will. For more information on Power of Attorney, please click here.

Our costs for preparation of Wills and Powers of Attorney are set out below: 

Service Fees VAT Registration Costs Total
Single Will £270   £54     £324  
2 x Wills for Couple £405 £81   £486
Single POA £324 £64.80 £96 £484.80
2 x POAs for Couple £432 £86.40 £192 £710.40
Single Will + Single POA £534.60 £106.92 £96 £737.52
2 x Couples Wills & 2 x Couples POAs £756 £151.20 £192 £1099.20
Single Will Complex* £378 £75.60   £453.60
Couple Will Complex* £648 £129.60   £777.60

* A will can be considered complex for several reasons such as the family dynamic, for example where there are children from a previous relationship, or because of the value of your estate. Standard Wills are suitable for unblended families, those with assets in Scotland, those who don’t need IHT advice or Trusts, and those who require less than 6 legacies. If not, a Complex Will is perhaps a better option. We’ll advise on what is best for you, with no no-obligation for you to continue with us. Complex wills are also required where there is an element of Care Home planning required.

Please contact Lucy TaggartAlison Gordon or Taylor James or telephone us on 0131 668 0470 to discuss your requirements more fully.

Alternatively, please complete this form and we will make contact with you.



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