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Simple Ways to Help Attract Buyers to Your Property

A recent blog by the Property Reporter highlighted what the top 20 deal-breakers were for house hunters.

This ranged from damp patches and unfinished building work to general untidiness and cluttered rooms.

For potential buyers first impressions really count – so we have pulled together our top tips on what you can do to help sell your home and more importantly get ahead of the competition.

Show your home a little TLC

Show potential buyers that you really care about your home. Fill in holes in the wall, tighten up the loose door knobs or fences and replace worn carpets – in fact anything that looks tired or worn should probably be removed.

Get rid of the clutter

You don’t want your house to look like no one is living there, but you don’t want it to look like a souvenir shop either.

So clear your shelves and cupboard spaces of any unnecessary items. You want to highlight what the spaces can be used for effectively.

Clean, clean, and clean some more.

Research commissioned by shows that 36% percent of people are put off buying a house if it is dirty. So ensure your home is spotlessly clean – you should be able to eat your dinner off of the kitchen floor.

Keeping your home clean is easy – you don’t want to lose a potential buyer over something so simple.

Update the kitchen

The kitchen is the most valuable room in the house – it is worth the most per square foot and can make all the difference when buyers are unsure.

At the very minimum declutter surfaces and hide any bulky appliances, but you should also consider re-facing your kitchen cabinets and upgrading kitchen counter tops as this can really improve the look of your kitchen.

Bring it to life

You want to make your house as appealing as possible, somewhere that potential buyers can envisage themselves living. Make all the rooms in your house look as welcoming and spacious as you can – and add some flowers and plants for that finishing touch.

As estate agents we’re focused on getting the best results for you, but you can massively increase your chances of selling your home merely by making a few little improvements.

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